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  Archangelic Blessing and Initiation
(Product: MP3-8)
Price : £14.50
  Archangelic Blessing and Initiation CD Cover  

This meditation is a Blessing by the Ten Archangels of the Tree of Life; it is also a powerful initiation into the energy of the Angelic Kingdom.

Christine Core is the co-founder, with her husband Kevin, of the system of healing given by The Archangel Metatron known as Angelic Reiki. The essence of this system is that rather than an angelic energy being seen as something seperate, one embraces a uniting, a becoming. The idea of becoming Archangel Michael of Archangel Metatron may seem impossible, but when we embrace the angelic kingdom as the pure archetype of creation, then we can see that we are already part of this kingdom.

In this meditation you will become the essence of each Archangel on the Qabalistic Tree of Life. This will be done by becoming the colour that is the vibration of each Archangel...

Through breath and visualisation Christine will guide you  through a total merging with each Archangel. Once you have done this meditation you will start to recognise each Archangelic archetype both in yourself and in your life. To live through these Divine principles of creation and love will bring countless blessings in to your life.

Price: £14 50
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  • Track 1. An explanation of Archangels as The Divine Archetype of Creation. (6.05)
  • Track 2. The Meditation, Initiation and Blessing by the Ten Archangels of the Tree of Life. (27.15)